Prepare for the Saterday night Raffle

As you’ll probably remember, on Saterday night we’ll be orgaising a GD’24 Raffle. We’ve allready collected amazing prices, but we also invite all of you to bring something. Lottery tickets will be sold for 1 EUR each, and the more prices available the higher your succes rate will be!

A first! Breakfast at the Going Dutch

This year we’ve arranged with the venue that on Friday, Saterday and Sunday there will be a breakfast buffet available at the restaurant on the campsite. It’s offered for 12,50 EUR per person and included a mix of English and local Frisian delicacies. Upon arrival at the GD’24 there will be a subscription list available at the rally control to indicated whether or not you’ll be joining for breakfast.

Tryouts GD’24 successful

The organising committee stayed at this years venue during 12-14th of april. We’ve had a great and sunny weekend, checked (and fine tuned) the drives and had great evenings that ended with “spam, spam, spam” . We even had a brief visit from Dom allready!.