Prepare for the Saterday night Raffle
As you’ll probably remember, on Saterday night we’ll be orgaising a GD’24 Raffle. We’ve allready collected amazing prices, but we also invite all of you to bring something. Lottery tickets will be sold for 1 EUR each, and the more prices available the higher your succes rate will be!

A first! Breakfast at the Going Dutch
This year we’ve arranged with the venue that on Friday, Saterday and Sunday there will be a breakfast buffet available at the restaurant on the campsite. It’s offered for 12,50 EUR per person and included a mix of English and local Frisian delicacies. Upon arrival at the GD’24 there will be a subscription list available at the rally control to indicated whether or not you’ll be joining for breakfast.

GPX files available for the drives!
After positive feedback on the availability of gpx-files for the routes of the GD’22, we’ve prepared them for this years routes as well. If you’re planning to use them, please prepare them at home. Instructions are available on this page.
Tryouts GD’24 successful
The organising committee stayed at this years venue during 12-14th of april. We’ve had a great and sunny weekend, checked (and fine tuned) the drives and had great evenings that ended with “spam, spam, spam” . We even had a brief visit from Dom allready!.